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lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Bring me the horizon - Count Your Blessings [2006]

Bring me the horizon
Count Your Blessings

Banda: Bring me the horizon
Disco: Count Your Blessings
Lista de temas:
1. Pray For Plagues
2. Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick
3. For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only
4. A Lot Like Vegas
5. Black And Blue
6. Slow Dance
7. Liquor And Love Lost
8. (I Used To Make Out With) Medusa
9. 15 Fathoms And Counting
10. Off The Heezay

Estilo: Deathcore / Metalcore
Pais: USA
Año: 2006
Uploader: Gontor
Bitrate: VBR kb.s
Tamaño: 60.2 MB
http://www.mediafire.com/file/52llmoymnuz/Bring me the horizon - Count Your Blessings [2006] by Gontor.rar

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